An active ragdoll character controller that can fully make use of Unity's Mecanim animation system and physics  engine.

The player controller interacts directly with the puppet. All of these actions are translated directly to forces and torque on the active ragdoll making use of algorithms from PID controllers used for drones that have been modified to fit this use case.  

The unique part of this implementation is that the ragdoll  can handle unrealistic movement. You could make a 3D platformer that interacts with the world like Mario does, with cayote time, ground magnets, and all that nice game feel stuff without needing to modify the functionality of the active ragdoll.

Recently I had been experimenting with a character that can balance themselves based off of contact points with the ground.

Feel free to download the source files and mess around with it!

Built in Unity 2020.2.2f1


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This looks great but I am struggling to get the animations to play, except jump which is outside the blend tree. The blend tree seems to be operating fine but it wont output any of the animations. Am I missing something obvious to get this working?